Langtang region is one of the unspoiled treks in Nepal.  It is highly rich in culture, flora and fauna.

Gosainkunda is situated on the north of Kathmandu in Langtang region. This is one of the famous Holy Lakes  in Nepal.

The starting point of this trek is Syabrubeshi which is 6-7 hours drive from Kathmandu. You will pass through Singh Gompa where you can visit a real Yak Cheese factory. The trek will further lead you over Lauribinyak Pass from where you will have wonderful panoramic views of the Langtang , Ganesh Himal,  Manaslu and  Annapurna ranges. Lake Gosainkunda is one of the most beautiful lakes and to reach this lake you pass through Saraswati Kunda, Bhairab Kunda and Gusainkunda.

From Gosainkunda you pass more lakes and continue the trek to Ghopte which is a long journey and is not easy. So if your condition is not really good , the best option is to stay in Phedi and the next day trek to Tharepati, from  where you can either continue to Helambu or go directly back to Kathmandu.


18 Days 2-20 People
Gosainkunda is situated on the north of Kathmandu in Langtang region. This is one of the famous, Holy Lakes in Nepal. 
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9 Days 2-20 People
Kyanjin Gompa trek Langtang trek is one of the famous & culturally rich areas of Nepal. In this trek, all trekkers not only enjoy the...
Available through out the year:
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